Definitions that make use of this brick

Input Output Type
aeudz aids phonetic
apbd and phonetic
pwaord board phonetic
pword bored phonetic
kad cad phonetic
kod cod phonetic
koed code phonetic
kphepbd commend phonetic
kretd credit phonetic
kraoud crude phonetic
tkphapbd demand phonetic
stkroeud destroyed phonetic
etd edit phonetic
tpord ford phonetic
tpreupblgd frigid phonetic
skwrerpbdz gerunds phonetic
tkpwhrad glad phonetic
tkpwhraoeudz glides phonetic
tkpwaoeud guide phonetic
had had phonetic
hapbd hand phonetic
hed head phonetic
heud hid phonetic
haod hood phonetic
kwr-d idea brief
kwr-dz ideas brief
hraoerd leader phonetic
hraoerdz leaders phonetic
hrepbd lend phonetic
ph*etd method phonetic
phoupbd mound phonetic
tpherd nerd phonetic
tphod nod phonetic
oed ode phonetic
pad pad phonetic
paeud paid phonetic
pod pod phonetic
praoeud pride phonetic
praoud prude phonetic
raeud raid phonetic
raed read phonetic
red red phonetic
raoed reed phonetic
reud rid phonetic
raod road phonetic
rod rod phonetic
roed rode phonetic
raoud rude phonetic
sad sad phonetic
saeud said brief
skafld scaffold phonetic
saoed seed phonetic
shraoud shrewd phonetic
stphaoeud snide phonetic
soeld sold phonetic
tad tad phonetic
tepd tepid phonetic
thud thud phonetic
toed today brief
toeld told phonetic
turpblgd turgid phonetic
twaoed tweed phonetic
urpbd understand brief
urpbgd understanding brief
urpbdz understands brief
wad wad phonetic
wed wed phonetic
waoerd weird phonetic
waoeld wield phonetic
waoeuld wild phonetic
kwrard yard phonetic
ud you'd brief

Similar bricks

These bricks are composed from the same keystrokes:

Identifier Input Label
suffix-ed -D ED