Definitions that make use of this brick

Input Output Type
tk-pl $ brief
hr-pl almost brief
aplt amount brief
arpl arm phonetic
pwaeupl became brief
pwhraeupl blame phonetic
pwoplt bottom phonetic
kharpl charm phonetic
khafpl chasm phonetic
tkapl dam phonetic
tka*pl damn phonetic
tkraoepl dream phonetic
kp-pl example brief
tporpls forms phonetic
skwrerpl germ phonetic
tphoepl gnome phonetic
tkpwrarpl grammar phonetic
skwreupl gym phonetic
harpl harm phonetic
herplt hermit phonetic
skwrapl jam phonetic
phaeupl maim phonetic
tphaeupld named phonetic
phr*upl plum phonetic
phrupl plumb phonetic
praoeupld primed phonetic
raoeupls rhymes phonetic
rupl rum phonetic
saoerpl serum phonetic
sheupl shim phonetic
shraoeupl slime phonetic
staoeupls sometimes brief
teplt tempt phonetic
terpl term phonetic
thepl them phonetic
thupl thumb phonetic
taoeupl time phonetic
skhrapl {!} brief

Similar bricks

These bricks are composed from the same keystrokes:

Identifier Input Label
end-lm -PL LM