Definitions that make use of this brick

Input Output Type
phopbg among phonetic
arpbg anger phonetic
pwhropbg belong phonetic
pwreupbg bring phonetic
tkupbg dung phonetic
tpapbg fang phonetic
tpeurpbg finger phonetic
tphrupbg flung phonetic
tkpwapbg gang phonetic
hrupbg lung phonetic
peupbg ping phonetic
popbg pong phonetic
propbg prong phonetic
rapbg rang phonetic
rupbg rung phonetic
sopbg song phonetic
storpbg storing phonetic
stropbg strong phonetic
strupbg strung phonetic
stupbg stung phonetic
theupbg thing phonetic
thropbg throng phonetic
tupbg tongue phonetic
twapbg twang phonetic
kwrupbg young phonetic

Similar bricks

These bricks are composed from the same keystrokes:

Identifier Input Label
end-nj -PBG NJ