Definitions that make use of this brick

Input Output Type
pwr-bgt [ phonetic
pwr*bgt ] phonetic
aplt amount brief
aeut ate phonetic
pwaet beat phonetic
pwaoet beet phonetic
pwoplt bottom phonetic
pwraoult brutal phonetic
pwupblgts budgets phonetic
kat cat phonetic
kaut caught phonetic
sphepbt cement phonetic
khapbt chant phonetic
khart chart phonetic
khat chat phonetic
kheft chest phonetic
stkpwret cigarette phonetic
koet coat phonetic
kpheut commit phonetic
krebgt correct phonetic
kruptd corrupted phonetic
kot cot phonetic
kretd credit phonetic
kut cut phonetic
kaout cute phonetic
tket debt phonetic
stket dessert phonetic
tkeufrpbt different phonetic
tkeupblgt digit phonetic
aoet eat phonetic
etd edit phonetic
efrt effort phonetic
tphabgts enacts phonetic
tpeupblgt fidget phonetic
tphraupbt flaunt phonetic
tkpwapblgt gadget phonetic
tkpwaeut gait phonetic
tkpwaet gate phonetic
tkpwet get phonetic
tkpwoblt goblet phonetic
tkpwrapbt grant phonetic
tkpwrupbt grunt phonetic
tkpweft guest phonetic
hat hat phonetic
haoet heat phonetic
haoeut height phonetic
herplt hermit phonetic
heut hit phonetic
hoeft host phonetic
hupbt hunt phonetic
hut hut phonetic
tpheubt inhibit phonetic
skwreft jest phonetic
skwrets jets phonetic
skwruft just phonetic
skwrut jut phonetic
kaoeut kite phonetic
tpho*t knot phonetic
hrert letter phonetic
hreuft lift phonetic
hruft lust phonetic
phagt maggot phonetic
phalt mallet phonetic
phart matter phonetic
phuft must phonetic
tpheft nest phonetic
tphot not phonetic
tphoets notes phonetic
tphut nut phonetic
oet oat phonetic
out out phonetic
parpbt parent phonetic
paft past phonetic
pat pat phonetic
pepbt pent phonetic
pet pet phonetic
porlt portal phonetic
poeft post phonetic
pot pot phonetic
pout pout phonetic
prepbt present phonetic
pres/epbt present phonetic
prez/epbt present phonetic
praoeft priest phonetic
praouft Proust phonetic
put put phonetic
rapbt rant phonetic
rat rat phonetic
rafpt ratchet phonetic
raeut rate phonetic
reuft rift phonetic
raoeut right phonetic
robgts rockets phonetic
raot root phonetic
rot rot phonetic
raout route phonetic
rut rut phonetic
sat sat phonetic
skarlt scarlet phonetic
saoet seat phonetic
skraoet secrete phonetic
sphefrt semester phonetic
set set phonetic
skeurt skirt phonetic
saot soot phonetic
spaoeut spite phonetic
spotd spotted phonetic
sprout sprout phonetic
starlt starlet phonetic
startd started phonetic
seupb/erpblg/euft/eubg synergistic phonetic
tablt tablet phonetic
teplt tempt phonetic
teft test phonetic
-t the brief
thefts thefts phonetic
traout truth phonetic
treuts tryst phonetic
waft waft phonetic
waeuts waist phonetic
waeut wait phonetic
waets waste phonetic
waet weight phonetic
wepbt went phonetic
wet wet phonetic
weult wilt phonetic
weut wit phonetic
wout without brief
wroet wrote phonetic
kwrat yacht phonetic
kwret yet phonetic
kwrurt yurt phonetic
s*eft zest phonetic
tpr-bgt { phonetic
tpr*bgt } phonetic