Definitions that make use of this brick

Input Output Type
prepb ( phonetic
pr*epb ) phonetic
tkpwepbs against brief
tphoer another brief
pwelg belch phonetic
pwr*et breath phonetic
krel cell phonetic
sphepbt cement phonetic
khebg check phonetic
kherb cherub phonetic
khes chess phonetic
kheft chest phonetic
stkpwret cigarette phonetic
khrefrpb clench phonetic
khrebgs collection phonetic
kphepbd commend phonetic
krebgt correct phonetic
krebgs correction phonetic
krebgs correction phonetic
kretd credit phonetic
tk*et death phonetic
tket debt phonetic
tkefrpbs deference phonetic
tkefrl deferral phonetic
tkpres depress phonetic
stket dessert phonetic
tkefl devil phonetic
tkrefrpb drench phonetic
erpbs earns phonetic
*ert earth phonetic
ez easy brief
epblg edge phonetic
etd edit phonetic
efrt effort phonetic
hrebgs election phonetic
efls elves phonetic
es/pe/rapb/to Esperanto phonetic
efp etch phonetic
efr every brief
tperl feral phonetic
tpefp fetch phonetic
tphrerb flesh phonetic
tprerb fresh phonetic
skwrerpl germ phonetic
skwrerpbdz gerunds phonetic
tkpwet get phonetic
tkpweft guest phonetic
e he brief
hed head phonetic
h*elt health phonetic
hel hell phonetic
h*epl hemp phonetic
her her phonetic
herplt hermit phonetic
skwreft jest phonetic
skwrets jets phonetic
keg keg phonetic
hrerpbd learned phonetic
hrepbd lend phonetic
hrert letter phonetic
pherpblg merge phonetic
pherb mesh phonetic
ph*etd method phonetic
tphebg neck phonetic
tpherd nerd phonetic
tphefrb nerve phonetic
tpheft nest phonetic
tphefl nestle phonetic
tphefr never phonetic
oer other brief
oers others brief
o*erz otherwise brief
peg peg phonetic
pepbt pent phonetic
pep pep phonetic
pet pet phonetic
prepbt present phonetic
pres/epbt present phonetic
prez/epbt present phonetic
prefd pressed phonetic
kwefrpb quench phonetic
kwe question brief
rebl rebel phonetic
red red phonetic
refr refer phonetic
refp retch phonetic
sez says phonetic
sebgs section phonetic
shrebgs selection phonetic
sel sell phonetic
sphefrt semester phonetic
sefrb serve phonetic
serb/opb session phonetic
segs session phonetic
set set phonetic
sefrl several phonetic
sefrpbs severance phonetic
shel shell phonetic
skefp sketch phonetic
skwelg squelch phonetic
stefrpb stench phonetic
strefd stressed phonetic
strefp stretch phonetic
sperb superb phonetic
spres suppress phonetic
spregs suppression phonetic
swefrb swerve phonetic
seupb/erpblg/euft/eubg synergistic phonetic
tel tell phonetic
teplt tempt phonetic
tepd tepid phonetic
terpl term phonetic
teft test phonetic
thefts thefts phonetic
thepl them phonetic
thepbs thence phonetic
te they brief
ther they're phonetic
trefrpb trench phonetic
twefl twelve phonetic
srefrb verve phonetic
sre very brief
w*elt wealth phonetic
web web phonetic
webd webbed phonetic
wed wed phonetic
wel well phonetic
wepbt went phonetic
wet wet phonetic
wher where phonetic
wrefp wretch phonetic
kwrerpb yearn phonetic
kwre yes brief
kwret yet phonetic
s*eft zest phonetic
pers {^%} phonetic