Definitions that make use of this brick

Input Output Type
tpheu any brief
tpheug anything brief
tkpweupbg beginning brief
pweug big phonetic
pweulg bilge phonetic
pweul/-pblg bilge phonetic
pw*eulg bilk phonetic
pweul/-bg bilk phonetic
pweufrpb birch phonetic
pw*eurt birth phonetic
pwhr*eupl blimp phonetic
pwhr*eupbg blink phonetic
pwreupbg bring phonetic
pwr*eupbg brink phonetic
pweu by brief
kheupb chin phonetic
kpheut commit phonetic
kreupbg cringe phonetic
tkhreurb delish phonetic
tkpeubgs depiction phonetic
skreu describe brief
skreud described brief
tkeufrpbt different phonetic
tkeupblgt digit phonetic
tkeurpb dinner phonetic
tkeufp ditch phonetic
tkr*eupbg drink phonetic
tpeupblgt fidget phonetic
tp*euft fifth phonetic
tpeufrpb finch phonetic
tpeurpbg finger phonetic
tpeurb fish phonetic
tpreubgs friction phonetic
tpreupblgd frigid phonetic
tpreupbg fringe phonetic
tkpw*eupbg/tkpwo ginkgo phonetic
tkpweuf give phonetic
tkpwhreufp glitch phonetic
skwreupl gym phonetic
heud hid phonetic
heupbg hinge phonetic
heut hit phonetic
eu I brief
eu I phonetic
eul/-bg ilk phonetic
*eulg ilk phonetic
tpheubt inhibit phonetic
*eupbg ink phonetic
k*eupbg kink phonetic
hreuft lift phonetic
hr*eupl limp phonetic
hr*eupbg link phonetic
hr*eus list phonetic
hreufrpb lynch phonetic
ph*eulg milk phonetic
pheul/-bg milk phonetic
ph*eupbg mink phonetic
pheugs mission phonetic
peug pig phonetic
peul/-pblg pillage phonetic
peupbg ping phonetic
p*eupbg pink phonetic
preufgs provision phonetic
reud rid phonetic
reuft rift phonetic
reug rig phonetic
r*eupbg rink phonetic
reufr river phonetic
skreubl scribble phonetic
sheupl shim phonetic
shr*eupl shrimp phonetic
shreufl shrivel phonetic
s*eulg silk phonetic
seul/-bg silk phonetic
s*eupbg sink phonetic
seup sip phonetic
seur sir phonetic
skeurt skirt phonetic
speul spill phonetic
skweurb squish phonetic
steul still phonetic
st*eupbg stink phonetic
seupb/erpblg/euft/eubg synergistic phonetic
sreupbg syringe phonetic
seurp syrup phonetic
theupbg thing phonetic
th*eupbg think phonetic
theupb/-bg think phonetic
theu think brief
threul thrill phonetic
teupbg tinge phonetic
treuts tryst phonetic
sreul/apblg village phonetic
sreulg village phonetic
weu which brief
weug wig phonetic
weult wilt phonetic
w*eupbg wink phonetic
weurpb winner phonetic
weut wit phonetic
stkpw*eupbg zinc phonetic