Definitions that make use of this brick

Input Output Type
pwhrurb blush phonetic
pwrufrpb brunch phonetic
pwrurb brush phonetic
pwupblgts budgets phonetic
pwulg bulge phonetic
pwul/-pblg bulge phonetic
pw*ulg bulk phonetic
pwul/-bg bulk phonetic
pw*upbg bunk phonetic
pwurb bush phonetic
khubg chuck phonetic
kh*upbg chunk phonetic
khufrpb church phonetic
khurpb churn phonetic
kruptd corrupted phonetic
krufrpb crunch phonetic
krurb crush phonetic
krufp crutch phonetic
kub cub phonetic
kuf cuff phonetic
kul cull phonetic
kup cup phonetic
kur cur phonetic
kufrb curve phonetic
kugs cushion phonetic
kus cuss phonetic
kut cut phonetic
tkubl double phonetic
tkrug drug phonetic
tkr*upbg drunk phonetic
tkufr duffer phonetic
tkupbg dung phonetic
tk*upbg dunk phonetic
tphrupbg flung phonetic
tphr*upbg flunk phonetic
tphrurb flush phonetic
tp*upbg funk phonetic
tkpwrupblg grudge phonetic
tkpwrupbg grunge phonetic
tkpwrupbt grunt phonetic
tkpwulg gulch phonetic
tkpw*upbg gunk phonetic
hub hub phonetic
huf huff phonetic
hug hug phonetic
h*ulg hulk phonetic
hul hull phonetic
hufrpb hunch phonetic
h*upbg hunk phonetic
hupbt hunt phonetic
hurb hush phonetic
hut hut phonetic
hufp hutch phonetic
khru include brief
khrud included brief
khrus includes brief
khrug including brief
skwrurpbl journal phonetic
skwrupblg judge phonetic
skwrug jug phonetic
skwr*upl jump phonetic
skwr*upbg junk phonetic
skwruft just phonetic
skwrut jut phonetic
hraoe/shupb lesion phonetic
hrupbs lunch phonetic
hrupb/*fp lunch phonetic
hrupbg lung phonetic
hrufrpb lurch phonetic
hruft lust phonetic
phufp much phonetic
phufl muffle phonetic
phulg mulch phonetic
phuft must phonetic
tphu new brief
tphub nub phonetic
tphupblg nudge phonetic
tphut nut phonetic
phr*upl plum phonetic
phrupl plumb phonetic
phrupbg plunge phonetic
phr*upbg plunk phonetic
phrurb plush phonetic
pub pub phonetic
puf puff phonetic
pug pug phonetic
pul pull phonetic
p*upl pump phonetic
p*upbg punk phonetic
pup pup phonetic
purpblg purge phonetic
pus pus phonetic
purb push phonetic
put put phonetic
ruf rough phonetic
rub rub phonetic
rubd rubbed phonetic
rubl rubble phonetic
rufld ruffled phonetic
rug rug phonetic
rupl rum phonetic
r*upl rump phonetic
rupbg rung phonetic
rurb rush phonetic
rut rut phonetic
skufld scuffled phonetic
stkubgs seduction phonetic
shubg shuck phonetic
shufld shuffled phonetic
shurb shush phonetic
shurb shush phonetic
shr*upl slump phonetic
sphupblg smudge phonetic
sphulg smuggle phonetic
sphulg smuggle phonetic
sphurb smush phonetic
strupbg strung phonetic
stupb stun phonetic
stupbg stung phonetic
st*upbg stunk phonetic
sufp such phonetic
subg/shupb suction phonetic
subgs suction phonetic
s*ulg sulk phonetic
s*upbg sunk phonetic
thru through brief
thud thud phonetic
thug thug phonetic
thupl thumb phonetic
thus thus phonetic
tupbg tongue phonetic
tufp touch phonetic
tuf tough phonetic
trubl trouble phonetic
trubls troubles phonetic
trupblg trudge phonetic
tr*upl trump phonetic
tub tub phonetic
tug tug phonetic
turpblgd turgid phonetic
tufl tussle phonetic
urpbd understand brief
urpbgd understanding brief
urpbdz understands brief
urpblg urge phonetic
wuz was phonetic
u you brief
ud you'd brief
ul you'll brief
ur you're brief
uf you've brief
kwrupbg young phonetic
kwrurt yurt phonetic