Definitions that make use of this brick

Input Output Type
tpaeubl fable phonetic
tpapbg fang phonetic
tpaoebl feeble phonetic
tperl feral phonetic
tpefp fetch phonetic
tpeupblgt fidget phonetic
tpaoers fierce phonetic
tp*euft fifth phonetic
tpeufrpb finch phonetic
tpeurpbg finger phonetic
tpeurb fish phonetic
tphra*pbg flank phonetic
tphraupbt flaunt phonetic
tphrerb flesh phonetic
tphraor floor phonetic
tphrupbg flung phonetic
tphr*upbg flunk phonetic
tphrurb flush phonetic
tpor for phonetic
tpor for phonetic
tp-r for phonetic
tpord ford phonetic
tporpblg forge phonetic
tporpls forms phonetic
tpour four phonetic
tprabgs fraction phonetic
tprerb fresh phonetic
tpreubgs friction phonetic
tpraoeus fries phonetic
tpreupblgd frigid phonetic
tpreupbg fringe phonetic
tp*upbg funk phonetic
tpaougs fusion phonetic
tp if brief
tpraeuz phrase phonetic
stpaoer sphere phonetic
tpr-bgt { phonetic
tpr*bgt } phonetic