Definitions that make use of this brick

Input Output Type
hroupbs allowance phonetic
hr-pl almost brief
pwhropbg belong phonetic
pwhraeupl blame phonetic
pwhra*pbg blank phonetic
pwhraoefp bleach phonetic
pwhr*eupl blimp phonetic
pwhr*eupbg blink phonetic
pwhrao*eut blithe phonetic
pwhrurb blush phonetic
khra*pl clamp phonetic
khrefrpb clench phonetic
khrebgs collection phonetic
tkhreurb delish phonetic
hrebgs election phonetic
tphra*pbg flank phonetic
tphraupbt flaunt phonetic
tphrerb flesh phonetic
tphraor floor phonetic
tphrupbg flung phonetic
tphr*upbg flunk phonetic
tphrurb flush phonetic
tkpwhrad glad phonetic
tkpwhraeur glare phonetic
tkpwhraoepbs gleans phonetic
tkpwhraoeudz glides phonetic
tkpwhreufp glitch phonetic
khru include brief
khrud included brief
khrus includes brief
khrug including brief
hraeus lace phonetic
hrarb lash phonetic
hrafp latch phonetic
hraoerd leader phonetic
hraoerdz leaders phonetic
hrerpbd learned phonetic
hraoefp leech phonetic
hrepbd lend phonetic
hraoe/shupb lesion phonetic
hraoegs lesion phonetic
hrert letter phonetic
hr-frpblg leverage phonetic
hreuft lift phonetic
hr*eupl limp phonetic
hr*eupbg link phonetic
hr*eus list phonetic
hroeupb loin phonetic
hroegs lotion phonetic
hroupbg lounge phonetic
hrofrs lovers phonetic
hrupbs lunch phonetic
hrupb/*fp lunch phonetic
hrupbg lung phonetic
hrufrpb lurch phonetic
hruft lust phonetic
hreufrpb lynch phonetic
phraeupb plain phonetic
phraepb plane phonetic
phra*pbg plank phonetic
phr*upl plum phonetic
phrupl plumb phonetic
phrupbg plunge phonetic
phr*upbg plunk phonetic
phrurb plush phonetic
phraougs pollution phonetic
shrebgs selection phonetic
shrarb slash phonetic
shrao*ut sleuth phonetic
shraoeupl slime phonetic
shrorb slosh phonetic
shroufp slouch phonetic
shr*upl slump phonetic
sphraeus someplace brief
sphrarb splash phonetic
sphrofp splotch phonetic
skhrapl {!} brief