Definitions that make use of this brick

Input Output Type
phopbg among phonetic
sphepbt cement phonetic
kphepbd commend phonetic
kpheut commit phonetic
tkphapbd demand phonetic
phagt maggot phonetic
phaeupl maim phonetic
phalt mallet phonetic
phaepb many brief
phafrpb march phonetic
phafrbl marvel phonetic
pharb mash phonetic
phafp match phonetic
pha*t math phonetic
phart matter phonetic
pherpblg merge phonetic
pherb mesh phonetic
ph*etd method phonetic
ph*eulg milk phonetic
pheul/-bg milk phonetic
ph*eupbg mink phonetic
pheugs mission phonetic
phorls morals phonetic
phoegs motion phonetic
phoupbd mound phonetic
phourpb mourn phonetic
phof move brief
phufp much phonetic
phufl muffle phonetic
phulg mulch phonetic
phuft must phonetic
sphefrt semester phonetic
sphaofp smooch phonetic
sphupblg smudge phonetic
sphulg smuggle phonetic
sphulg smuggle phonetic
sphurb smush phonetic
sphou somehow brief
sph-pb someone brief