Definitions that make use of this brick

Input Output Type
prepb ( phonetic
pr*epb ) phonetic
pwr-bgt [ phonetic
pwr*bgt ] phonetic
r are brief
pwraeubg brake phonetic
pwrafrpb branch phonetic
pwraebg break phonetic
pwr*et breath phonetic
pwreupbg bring phonetic
pwr*eupbg brink phonetic
pwraouz bruise phonetic
pwrufrpb brunch phonetic
pwrurb brush phonetic
pwraoult brutal phonetic
stkpwret cigarette phonetic
krebgt correct phonetic
krebgs correction phonetic
krebgs correction phonetic
kruptd corrupted phonetic
kra*pl cramp phonetic
krapb/-bg crank phonetic
kra*pbg crank phonetic
krarb crash phonetic
kraul crawl phonetic
kretd credit phonetic
kraou crew phonetic
kreupbg cringe phonetic
krofd crossed phonetic
kroe crow phonetic
kraoud crude phonetic
kraoul cruel phonetic
kraous cruise phonetic
krufrpb crunch phonetic
krurb crush phonetic
krufp crutch phonetic
tkpres depress phonetic
tkraeupbg derange phonetic
skreu describe brief
skreud described brief
stkroeud destroyed phonetic
tkra*pbg drank phonetic
tkraoepl dream phonetic
tkrefrpb drench phonetic
tkr*eupbg drink phonetic
tkraoeuf drive phonetic
tkrug drug phonetic
tkr*upbg drunk phonetic
es/pe/rapb/to Esperanto phonetic
tprabgs fraction phonetic
tprerb fresh phonetic
tpreubgs friction phonetic
tpraoeus fries phonetic
tpreupblgd frigid phonetic
tpreupbg fringe phonetic
tkpwrapblg garage phonetic
tkpwrarpl grammar phonetic
tkpwrapbt grant phonetic
tkpwrafl gravel phonetic
tkpwraoup group phonetic
tkpwro*et growth phonetic
tkpwrupblg grudge phonetic
tkpwrupbg grunge phonetic
tkpwrupbt grunt phonetic
tr interest brief
praeugs operation phonetic
tpraeuz phrase phonetic
praeuz praise phonetic
pra*pbg prank phonetic
prapb/-bg prank phonetic
prepbt present phonetic
pres/epbt present phonetic
prez/epbt present phonetic
prefd pressed phonetic
praoeud pride phonetic
praoeft priest phonetic
praoeupld primed phonetic
praoeuz prize phonetic
probl probably brief
propbg prong phonetic
proes prose phonetic
praouft Proust phonetic
preufgs provision phonetic
proul prowl phonetic
praoud prude phonetic
rabl rabble phonetic
raeus race phonetic
rag rag phonetic
raeud raid phonetic
raeul rail phonetic
raeuz raise phonetic
ra*pl ramp phonetic
rafrpb ranch phonetic
rapbg rang phonetic
raeupbg range phonetic
ra*pbg rank phonetic
rapb/-bg rank phonetic
rapbt rant phonetic
rap rap phonetic
rarb rash phonetic
rat rat phonetic
rafpt ratchet phonetic
raeut rate phonetic
rags ration phonetic
rau raw phonetic
raed read phonetic
rael real phonetic
rebl rebel phonetic
red red phonetic
raoed reed phonetic
raoel reel phonetic
refr refer phonetic
refp retch phonetic
raoeupls rhymes phonetic
reud rid phonetic
raoeufl rifle phonetic
reuft rift phonetic
reug rig phonetic
raoeut right phonetic
r*eupbg rink phonetic
raoeup ripe phonetic
reufr river phonetic
raod road phonetic
roer roar phonetic
ror roar phonetic
rob rob phonetic
robd robbed phonetic
roeb robe phonetic
robgts rockets phonetic
rod rod phonetic
roed rode phonetic
rol roll phonetic
ro*pl romp phonetic
raot root phonetic
roep rope phonetic
rot rot phonetic
ruf rough phonetic
raout route phonetic
roef rove phonetic
rub rub phonetic
rubd rubbed phonetic
rubl rubble phonetic
raoud rude phonetic
rufld ruffled phonetic
rug rug phonetic
raoul rule phonetic
rupl rum phonetic
r*upl rump phonetic
rupbg rung phonetic
rurb rush phonetic
rut rut phonetic
skreubl scribble phonetic
skraoet secrete phonetic
shraoud shrewd phonetic
shr*eupl shrimp phonetic
shraoeupb shrine phonetic
shreufl shrivel phonetic
swr somewhere brief
spraul sprawl phonetic
spraeu spray phonetic
sprout sprout phonetic
strapd strapped phonetic
straps straps phonetic
strefd stressed phonetic
strefp stretch phonetic
stropbg strong phonetic
strupbg strung phonetic
spres suppress phonetic
spregs suppression phonetic
sreupbg syringe phonetic
thr there brief
thr-fr therefore brief
thrarb thrash phonetic
threul thrill phonetic
thropbg throng phonetic
thru through brief
trarb trash phonetic
traoe tree phonetic
traoes trees phonetic
trefrpb trench phonetic
tro*t troth phonetic
trubl trouble phonetic
trubls troubles phonetic
traous truce phonetic
trupblg trudge phonetic
tr*upl trump phonetic
traout truth phonetic
treuts tryst phonetic
wr were brief
whr whether brief
wrefp wretch phonetic
wroet wrote phonetic
tpr-bgt { phonetic
tpr*bgt } phonetic