Definitions that make use of this brick

Input Output Type
sta*r * phonetic
skp and brief
stk and brief
sk ask brief
saoes cease phonetic
sphepbt cement phonetic
stkpwret cigarette phonetic
skreu describe brief
skreud described brief
stkaoeupb design phonetic
stkaoeur desire phonetic
stket dessert phonetic
stkroeud destroyed phonetic
s is brief
saupl psalm phonetic
saoef receive brief
saoefd received brief
sad sad phonetic
sag sag phonetic
saeud said brief
saeul sail phonetic
sael sale phonetic
sa*pbg sank phonetic
sap sap phonetic
sas sass phonetic
sat sat phonetic
sez says phonetic
skafld scaffold phonetic
skarlt scarlet phonetic
skaol school phonetic
skour scour phonetic
skreubl scribble phonetic
skufld scuffled phonetic
sae sea phonetic
saoet seat phonetic
skraoet secrete phonetic
sebgs section phonetic
stkubgs seduction phonetic
saoe see phonetic
saoed seed phonetic
sao*et seethe phonetic
saoez seize phonetic
shrebgs selection phonetic
sel sell phonetic
sphefrt semester phonetic
saoerpl serum phonetic
sefrb serve phonetic
serb/opb session phonetic
segs session phonetic
set set phonetic
sefrl several phonetic
sefrpbs severance phonetic
s*eulg silk phonetic
seul/-bg silk phonetic
s*eupbg sink phonetic
seup sip phonetic
seur sir phonetic
skefp sketch phonetic
skaou skew phonetic
skeurt skirt phonetic
shrarb slash phonetic
shrao*ut sleuth phonetic
shraoeupl slime phonetic
shrorb slosh phonetic
shroufp slouch phonetic
shr*upl slump phonetic
sphaofp smooch phonetic
sphupblg smudge phonetic
sphulg smuggle phonetic
sphulg smuggle phonetic
sphurb smush phonetic
stphaoeud snide phonetic
saor soar phonetic
sob sob phonetic
soeul soil phonetic
soeld sold phonetic
soel sole phonetic
s-b somebody brief
shou somehow brief
sphou somehow brief
sph-pb someone brief
sphraeus someplace brief
s-g something brief
staoeupls sometimes brief
swr somewhere brief
sw-r somewhere brief
sopbg song phonetic
saot soot phonetic
sop sop phonetic
soer sore phonetic
sor sore phonetic
soul soul phonetic
soeu soy phonetic
spaou spew phonetic
stpaoer sphere phonetic
speul spill phonetic
spaoeut spite phonetic
sphrarb splash phonetic
sphrofp splotch phonetic
spopbg sponge phonetic
spoer spore phonetic
spotd spotted phonetic
spous spouse phonetic
spraul sprawl phonetic
spraeu spray phonetic
sprout sprout phonetic
skwarb squash phonetic
skwelg squelch phonetic
skweurb squish phonetic
staeur stair phonetic
sta*pbg stank phonetic
stafrpb starch phonetic
staer stare phonetic
starlt starlet phonetic
startd started phonetic
stafrb starve phonetic
starb stash phonetic
stefrpb stench phonetic
steul still phonetic
st*eupbg stink phonetic
storpblg storage phonetic
storpbg storing phonetic
strapd strapped phonetic
straps straps phonetic
strefd stressed phonetic
strefp stretch phonetic
stropbg strong phonetic
strupbg strung phonetic
stupb stun phonetic
stupbg stung phonetic
st*upbg stunk phonetic
sufp such phonetic
subg/shupb suction phonetic
subgs suction phonetic
s*ulg sulk phonetic
s*upbg sunk phonetic
sperb superb phonetic
spres suppress phonetic
spregs suppression phonetic
swefrb swerve phonetic
seupb/erpblg/euft/eubg synergistic phonetic
sreupbg syringe phonetic
seurp syrup phonetic
skhrapl {!} brief