Definitions that make use of this brick

Input Output Type
sta*r * phonetic
twaeul actually brief
t-bg continue brief
t-bgd continued brief
es/pe/rapb/to Esperanto phonetic
t-r interest brief
tr interest brief
staoeupls sometimes brief
staeur stair phonetic
sta*pbg stank phonetic
stafrpb starch phonetic
staer stare phonetic
starlt starlet phonetic
startd started phonetic
stafrb starve phonetic
starb stash phonetic
stefrpb stench phonetic
steul still phonetic
st*eupbg stink phonetic
storpblg storage phonetic
storpbg storing phonetic
strapd strapped phonetic
straps straps phonetic
strefd stressed phonetic
strefp stretch phonetic
stropbg strong phonetic
strupbg strung phonetic
stupb stun phonetic
stupbg stung phonetic
st*upbg stunk phonetic
tab tab phonetic
tablt tablet phonetic
tad tad phonetic
tag tag phonetic
taeul tail phonetic
ta*lg talc phonetic
tael tale phonetic
ta*pl tamp phonetic
ta*pbg tank phonetic
tapb/-bg tank phonetic
tap tap phonetic
taeup tape phonetic
tar tar phonetic
tafbg task phonetic
tae tea phonetic
taoe tee phonetic
tel tell phonetic
teplt tempt phonetic
tepd tepid phonetic
terpl term phonetic
teft test phonetic
te they brief
taoeupl time phonetic
teupbg tinge phonetic
to to phonetic
toed today brief
toeul toil phonetic
toeld told phonetic
tol toll phonetic
tupbg tongue phonetic
tao too phonetic
top top phonetic
tofrpb torch phonetic
tufp touch phonetic
tuf tough phonetic
tor tour phonetic
tour tower phonetic
trarb trash phonetic
traoe tree phonetic
traoes trees phonetic
trefrpb trench phonetic
tro*t troth phonetic
trubl trouble phonetic
trubls troubles phonetic
traous truce phonetic
trupblg trudge phonetic
tr*upl trump phonetic
traout truth phonetic
treuts tryst phonetic
tub tub phonetic
tug tug phonetic
turpblgd turgid phonetic
tufl tussle phonetic
twapbg twang phonetic
twaoed tweed phonetic
twaoez tweeze phonetic
twefl twelve phonetic
two two phonetic
taoeup type phonetic